
This section will provide guidance and usage on how to interact with Hubster’s APIs. The goal of Hubster is to provide a consistent and systematic approach across all our API resources, in terms of style, format and responses.

Hubster’s APIs are designed using REST principles and most of our payloads are structured using JSON. Any exception to this rule will be noted where necessary.


Hubster APIs incorporate cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) whereby facilitating web applications to freely use our API in an authenticated and secure manner.


Below are the list of Hubster environments:

Identity API Resource
Demo https://demo-identity.hubster.io
Production https://identity.hubster.io
Portal API Resource
Demo https://demo-portal-api.hubster.io
Production https://portal-api.hubster.io
Engine API Resource
Demo https://demo-engine.hubster.io
Production https://engine.hubster.io
Events API Resource
Demo https://demo-events.hubster.io
Production https://events.hubster.io

Identity to API Resource Interaction

Below is a depiction on how a business application first obtains an access token, using Hubster’s identity service, which can later be used to make authenticated requests against API services, such as Hubster’s Portal, Engine and Events resources.



API access tokens use the client_credential grant_type, Description you can only obtain a access tokens using client_ids and client_secrets respectively. These access tokens are longed-lived and last no longer than 30 days. When an access token expires, accessing an API resource yields an HTTP Status 401 - Unauthorized Access.

Furthermore, access tokens are only meant for their indented API resource. For example, if a business obtains an access token for the Portal API resource, the access token cannot be used for the to gain access to the Engine API resource, and likewise. These design was intentional as scopes for each API resource are vastly different. There’s an exception to this rule. Accessing the Events API requires an Engine access token.

To obtain an access_token, please refer to the Authentication API for more details.

Standard Error Response

Hubster’s standard error response model is consistent across all API resources. The only difference being are the actual error codes returned by each API resource.

Below is an example of a Bad Request (400) returned by the Portal API.


    "status": 400,
    "errors": [
            "code": 301,
            "description": "Property 'name' is required. (code: PRT000301)"
            "code": 206,
            "description": "Value '50000' is not valid. (code: PRT000206)"
Property Description
status The HTTP Status code. This will value always equals header’s HTTP Status code.
errors The list of errors.

Paginated Results

In some cases, Hubster may return a paginated response whereby, the business will need to re-query the next result, based on page number and page size. This is typically when certain GET requests may yield a large number of records.

Below is an example from Portal API resource returning Hubs as paginated response.

Response : 200 (OK)

    "pageNumber": 0,
    "pageSize": 50,
    "total": 2,
    "results": [
            "hubId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-0000000000a2",
            "tenantId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001",
            "name": "Dev Hub 1",
            "description": "Dev Hub 1 (Websocket)",
            "statusId": 2000
            "hubId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-0000000000a3",
            "tenantId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001",
            "name": "Hubster Demo (blank)",
            "description": "Hubster Demo mainly used for Videos",
            "statusId": 2000
Property Description
pageNumber The requested page number.
pageSize The requested page size.
total The total number of results across all pages. Note: the total number of items does not necessary equal the number of result items.
results A list of response models returned by the API resource. Note: the result models may differ on per call basis.

HTTP Status Codes

Hubster API HTTP Status codes.

HTTP Status Description
200 OK response. The body of the response will include the data requested.
201 OK response. The response will content no data.
400 Bad request. The body of the response will have more info.
401 Unauthorized. Token is invalid.
403 Forbidden. Access to the requested resource is forbidden.
404 Not found. Resource not found.
408 Timed out. The request timed out.
409 Conflict. The request caused a conflict.
410 Not available. The request is not available.
417 Expectation Failed. The operation was aborted.
429 Too many requests. API usage limit has been reached.
500 Internal server error. There was an internal issue with the service.
501 Not implemented. The request is not implemented.
503 Service unavailable. The service is unavailable.